Course: 707.000 Web Science and Web Technology

Graz University of Technology, Summer 2010

Classes: Mondays 12:15 - 13:45 (with some exceptions), March 2010 - June 2010, Room HS i12 (Inffeldgasse 16b),,
Markus Strohmaier


Lecture room: ICK1130H (HS i12), Inffeldgasse 16b, 1.Kellergeschoß, 8010 Graz, Austria

Instructor: Dr. Markus Strohmaier
Address: Inffeldgasse 21a/II, Knowledge Management Institute
e-mail: markus.strohmaier at@

Teaching Assistants (TA): for sending e-mails, please remove spaces in e-mail addresses, replace at@ with @, and start your subject line with [707.000]

Questions related to this course: Your question might be of interest to other students! Therefore, before sending an e-mail to the instructor or the teaching assistants, please consider posting it to the course newsgroup The course team reads the newsgroup frequently and will try to answer your question as soon as possible.

Newsgroup: on

Students with special needs: If you need accommodation for any type of physical or learning disability, please contact me via e-mail to set up a meeting where we can discuss potential modifications for your participation.


About the course:

This course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge and understanding about the structure and analysis of selected web phenomena and technologies. Topics include the small world problem, network theory, social network analysis, graph search and technologies/standards/architectures such as JSON, RDF, REST and others.
Course Requirements
: Basic java programming skills.

Course work:

Course work will consist of

Marking scheme:

The following weights will be assigned to home assignments and the final exam (totalling 100%):

In order to obtain a positive grade, you need to have a total score of 51% or more. Please also see section "Course Policies" below.

Preliminary course schedule and weekly readings:

Note to students: Changes to this schedule will likely be made. Additional readings may be assigned. Access credentials for protected resources will be handed out in class.

Note to instructors: All teaching materials on this website are available for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Austria License, except for referenced material. Powerpoint files are made available on request. Access to protected papers is only available to enrolled students.

Creative Commons License

Title, Links Comments and Links

Week 1


Introduction and Motivation: Web & Science


In this class, we will discuss the course organization and provide a basic motivation for and introduction to the course.

Readings: Web science: a provocative invitation to computer science, B. Shneiderman, Communications of the ACM 50 25--27 (2007) [Web link]
Readings: Chapter 1 & 2, A Framework for Web Science, T. Berners-Lee and W. Hall and J. A. Hendler and K. O'Hara and N. Shadbolt and D. J. Weitzner Foundations and Trends® in Web Science 1 (2006) [Web link]

Week 2

The Small World Problem


We will discuss several examples and research efforts related to the small world problem and set the ground for our discussion of network theory and social network analysis.

Readings: An Experimental Study of the Small World Problem, J. Travers and S. Milgram Sociometry 32 425-443 (1969) [Protected Access]
Optional: The Strength of Weak Ties, M.S. Granovetter The American Journal of Sociology 78 1360--1380 (1973) [Protected Access]
Optional: Worldwide Buzz: Planetary-Scale Views on an Instant-Messaging Network, J. Leskovec and E. Horvitz MSR-TR-2006-186. Microsoft Research, June 2007. [Web Link, the most recent and comprehensive study on the subject!]

Week 3

Network Theory and Terminology

(slides, home assignment 1.1 & 1.2 updated v1.1, svn_slides)

In this class, we will discuss network theory fundamentals, including concepts such as diameter, distance, clustering coefficient and others. We will also discuss different types of networks, such as scale-free networks, random networks etc.

Readings: Graph structure in the Web, A. Broder and R. Kumar and F. Maghoul and P. Raghavan and S. Rajagopalan and R. Stata and A. Tomkins and J. Wiener Computer Networks 33 309--320 (2000) [Web link, Alternative Link]
Optional: The Structure and Function of Complex Networks, M.E.J. Newman, SIAM Review 45 167--256 (2003) [Web link]

Week 4

Tutorials: Python & Octave

(slides python, session python, slides octave)

Week 5

Social Network Analysis

(slides, home assignment 1.3 updated v1.1)

What are fundamental entities in social networks and what information is contained in social graphs? We will discuss some selected concepts in social network analysis, such as one- and two mode networks, prestige and centrality, and cliques, clans and clubs.

Readings: Web tool predicts election results and stock prices, J. Palmer, New Scientist, 07 February (2008) [Protected Access]
Optional: Social Network Analysis, Methods and Applications, S. Wasserman and K. Faust (1994)

Week 6

Affiliation Networks

(slides, home assignment 1.4 updated v1.1)

How can we analyze and understand affiliation networks? In this class, we will discuss properties of affiliation networks and we will investigate the use of Galois lattices for the exploration of structural patterns in bi-partite graphs.

Optional : Using Galois Lattices to Represent Network Data. Sociological Methodology, (23):127--146, (1993) [Protected Access]

Week 7

Link Analysis and Search


What are ways of searching in graphs? In this class, we will discuss basics of link analysis, including Google's PageRank algorithm as an example.

Readings: The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web, L. Page and S. Brin and R. Motwani and T. Winograd (1998) [Protected Access]

Week 8

Network Evolution and Processes

(slides, home assignment 1.5)

In this class, we will discuss the nature of network evolution and some selected network processes. We will discuss graph generation algorithms that generate networks with different interesting characteristics.

Optional : The Structure and Function of Complex Networks (chapter 8), M.E.J. Newman, SIAM Review 45 167--256 (2003) [Web link]
Optional: Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks, A.L. Barabasi and R. Albert, Science 286, 509 (1999) [Protected Access]

Week 9

Tutorial Map-Reduce

(slides, home assignment 2)

How can network-based algorithms be executed in a distributed environment? This tutorial is an introduction to Map-Reduce, and the Hadoop framework.
Week 10

Metadata, Tagging and Folksonomies


In this class, we will discuss metadata as well as current phenomena such as tagging and folksonomies.

Readings: Ontologies Are Us: A Unified Model of Social Networks and Semantics, P. Mika, International Semantic Web Conference, 522-536, 2005. [Web link]
Optional: Folksonomies: power to the people, E. Quintarelli, ISKO Italy-UniMIB Meeting, (2005)

Week 11

Current Research on Tagging I,
and HA2 Q&A



This class will be on Navigability of Social Tagging Systems.

In the second part of the lecture, there will be a Q&A for Home Assignment 2.



Week 12



Current Research on Tagging II


This class will be on the role of Tagging Motivation in Social Tagging Systems.

M. Strohmaier, C. Koerner, R. Kern, Why do Users Tag? Detecting Users' Motivation for Tagging in Social Tagging Systems, 4th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM2010), Washington, DC, USA, May 23-26, 2010. (pdf)

Week 13

Business Models on the Web
(Guest Lecture)

(example exam)

Guest Lecture: Dr. Peter Scheir, Styria Medien AG
This lecture will give an overview of a number of online media projects developed by Styria Medien AG, and will discuss related business models.

Week 14
Final Exam

No aids allowed.
Please also have a look at the "Nachklausur" bullet point in the "course policies" section below.

Course policies

Further selected course material available online:

Selected Resources:

There is no required text book for this course, however you might find it helpful to have a look at the following resources:

Web links:


Free online books:


Videos / Lectures: